Ceunant Llennyrch Cephaloziella turneri

The rock-face (left) where Cephaloziella turneri was found at Ceunant Llennyrch NNR

On the northern edge of the Harlech Dome, the spectacular gorge of Ceunant Llennyrch descends into the Vale of Ffestiniog. It is well known as an exceptional site for oceanic bryophytes. A surprising new species was added to the site list during a survey commissioned by Natural Resources Wales, the nationally scarce Mediterranean oceanic liverwort Cephaloziella turneri (Turner’s Threadwort), tucked into a rock crevice deep within the ravine system. In Britain, it is most typical of steep earth banks and rocky crevices along wooded estuarine creeks in the south, especially in Cornwall and Pembrokeshire, making Ceunant Llennyrch a notable new site. This tiny plant has been recorded at only two locations previously in North Wales, at Dolgellau in 1875 and at nearby Minffordd in 1916 and 1921. It was only found in very small quantity at Ceunant Llennyrch, in a single location. It appears to be a new arrival and hopefully will become established.